Mary Deigan – Dyslexia Assessment Plymouth

BA (hons), PGCE, DELTA, PGCPSE, AMBDA, APC – for children and adults

[email protected]

07914 506999

I am a fully qualified teacher (Early Years), Member of the British Dyslexia Association and hold an Assessment Practising Certificate.

I am also a member of Patoss – The Professional Association for Teachers of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties, and adhere to their code of conduct.

About the Assessments

Your family will receive a personalised service, including a free initial telephone interview and information session with the child’s parent or guardian, to obtain as much information as possible before assessment.

The testing takes about 4 hours, but this can be done in up to 3 different sittings at my home (usually 2 sittings for children).

I will provide a very thorough report (usually 30-35 pages), with recommendations for schools, as well as a diagnosis. Please get in touch for more information.

I also assess adults for DSA (Disabled Students Allowance).

£375 – standard rate

£285 – concessions for unwaged families